I'm an IT Professional with 20 years experience in Microsoft SQL Server, Integration Services (SSIS), Reporting Services (SSRS), Analysis Services (SSAS) and Power BI.  This blog aims to share best practice and lessons learned from the data coal face.

Tracking database growth with Power BI

The guide below shows how to implement stored procedures that will monitor the disk space used by your databases and their tables.  Giving an understanding of areas utilising storage and the rate of storage consumption, allowing planning and monitoring, helping to limit the likelihood of that moment when the database grows and runs out of space.  

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Oracle - Date Comparisons

Many databases are designed in such a way that where a start/end time are stored there is no corresponding duration value, this is to avoid obvious data duplication and storage space as the duration can be calculated by comparing the start/end times.  However some novice SQL coders struggle to calculate durations.

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